A dental implant mimics the form and function of a natural tooth, which consists of a root and a crown. The crown is the visible part of your tooth. It is used to chew food and is therefore the most susceptible to cavities. The crown is attached to the jawbone by way of the root. When decay has gone deep enough or when a periodontal disease has advanced enough to warrant an extraction, the entire tooth, root and all, is taken out. The dental implant is a titanium root that gets fitted into a socket that we create in your jaw. Once the root heals, we place an artificial crown on top. The new crown is customized to match your bite and the color of your teeth.
What are the benefits of getting teeth implants?
They look and act like natural teeth
They can last a lifetime with the right care
You don’t need any adhesives
They improve appearance, comfort, and speech
It’s easier to eat
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