Professional teeth whitening is faster, more effective, and longer lasting that treatments you find over the counter. As we age, our teeth darken over time. We can brighten your teeth by five to ten shades in a single session, but maintaining good oral hygiene and steering away from certain foods and beverages will help keep any future whitening services to a minimum. We may also prescribe some medication for you to use at home that helps the whitening process.
In-office Whitening
In-office whitening is done in the dental office. In-office whiteners are much stronger than whitening toothpastes and home-use whiteners because they have more peroxide. They can change the color of your teeth faster than the other methods. In-office whitening is usually done in about one hour. To help protect your mouth from the peroxide, your gum tissues will be covered with either a thin sheet of rubber or a protective gel. A light or laser may be used in addition to the peroxide.
Thorough cleansing and polishing of teeth
Application of gum protectant
Application of whitening agent
Whitening agent is laser-activated
Whitening agent is left on teeth for several minutes
Teeth and gums are rinsed
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Post-procedure Care
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Things to avoid:
Tobacco products
Coffee and tea
Red wine
Food coloring
Any bright-colored drinks
The following text is placeholder known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. Quisque malesuada risus non luctus feugiat. Aenean at pulvinar velit. Sed sed convallis risus. Nulla lacinia mattis consequat. Donec ut augue ac tellus aliquam placerat consequat et augue. Phasellus consequat facilisis ex, at porttitor tellus gravida sed. Vivamus quis tortor eget sapien egestas laoreet. Nulla lobortis commodo neque nec gravida.
Smile Again